English Day 2023

Área de Inglés

Spelling bee contest

Our school, Colegio Mayor de Inglaterra, organized and performed our 2nd Spelling Bee contest on the 28th of July. To perform the contest was a great experience for our school. In preparation for the contest, the English teachers had to choose the best students of each grade, having a hard eliminatory session to choose who were going to participate in the contest.

The English teachers worked the days before the contest with the students to prepare them. We can be very satisfied with the achievements, but we know that the experiences which all the students made are bigger than the results. Speaking in front of an audience, getting a feel for the language and improving the English skills were very helpful items for them. We’re really proud of each student.

Por qúe Escogernos

El Colegio Campestre Mayor de Inglaterra, se encuentra clasificado dentro de los 10 primeros colegios de Cota con un reconocimiento de mención de honor a la excelencia académica.

God, Philanthropy and Nature...

Convenios Interinstitucionales

Pensando en el desarrollo integral de sus estudiantes, el Colegio Mayor de Inglaterra, ofrece convenios con diferentes entidades educativas del país para su formación profesional y acompañamiento permanente en la academia.

Horarios de Atención

Secretaría de Lunes a Viernes de 8:00 am a 3:00 pm.

Jornada Escolar de Lunes a Viernes de 7:30 am a 3:15 pm.

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